Sunday, May 2, 2010

You sexy beast you.

Meh. I got bored. :)


  1. No MissyD, I think that's you lol!

    We'll be posting lots of blogs now that we have confirmation that Jianna is Linda Mendes! we don't care either Linda. Hope social services takes away your kid!

  2. All of you little fools are in for the surprise of a lifetime as you run around spewing your garbage. Confirmation? Are you sure about that? Are you now. You realize of course that the IP comes up consistantly in NORTH ATTLEBORO which is a distance away.

    I think that before long Hackforums will be shut down. TTFN.

    Actually Kyle that's you. Or is it Dejan?

  3. Yes and a thread was started and a request made of the Google Abuse Team to ban kyleseamus 1 and to remove his postings. Also requested was IP and email information so that he can be sued for defamation. Falsely accusing someone of a crime (phishing) is defamation and legally actionable.

  4. Well it appears both Dejan and kyleseamus 1 have hightailed it for obscurity. Good.

  5. Ive made the exact same request of google abuse for you and all your sock puppets! If you had the financial means to sue anyone, youd have already been sued! Its not worth it to sue someone who rents a crappy run down trailer and it appears you already have 2 judgements against you for roughly $1000 each Linda Mendes. Waiting on the details from your local courthouse now!

    Dont bother feeding me your bullshit about North Attleboro intended as misdirection. Geo trackers arent 100% accurate, and can be off by a number of miles.

    Doesnt matter though, your cyberbullying actions are not only illegal,they were criminalized in 2000, and your govenor has recently signed a landmark anti-bullying bill into law, intended to put an end to exactly the type of cyberbullying behavior you have not only been displaying, but openly bragging about!

    Dont try to claim that you dont think your doing anything wrong! Your a 50+ year old woman who got pissed off because she was banned from a kids Star Wars gaming forum, and has been seeking revenge against these CHILDREN and the owner of myfreeforums ever since!

    You stalk, threaten and make false accusations not only of anyone who doesnt agree with you, but every and anyone who happens to be a member of a forum that you targeted! Including anyone who happens to have signed up for membership at any myfreeforums board, not only posting their personal information, but making up all kinds of defamatory lies about them, just because you have a vendetta against the owner of myfreeeforums!

    The Rebels did not break any law and you had no right to demand their site be removed, or to harrass them, Martin Walker, and other members of his sites just because you didn't get your way!

    In fact, you harrassed and bullied some of the myfreeforums sites to such an extent that they ended up moving, just to escape your harrassment, isn't that true? Isn't it also true that you've bragged and gloated about the success of your cyberbullying campaign?

    You have gone on to stalk, harrass, and bully other sites, simply because they didn't agree that you should be doing this to CHILDREN, and even simply because one of the sites you targeted happened to MENTION the name of another site in his post, namely hackforums! Isn't that the real truth?

    Isn't it also true that youve been stalking, harrassing, defaming, and threatening any member of these forums, accusing them of various acts, such as illegal hacking and watching teen porn even though you don't have any evidence whatsoever whether the specific individuals you've targeted have ever committed such acts? Your entire basis for making up horrific defamatory lies about specific individuals, who you have named, is based on nothing more than the fact that they happen to be members of forums you don't like and claim to disapprove of! Isn't that the real truth?

    What you are doing is the equivalent of claiming that just because I happen to live in a city where 1 person was convicted of child molestation, that means that you think you have the right to accuse me, and everyone else who lives in that town of being a child molester!

    And not only that, but you also have posted the names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and any other information you can find on ANY member whatsoever, to harrass, bully, and attempt to embarrass and intimidate, not only the individual members, but to shut down websites you dont like!

    Don't deny it! It's exactly what you are doing! It's defamation, and it's not only illegal, but in your state of Massachusetts, it's been made criminal!

  6. By the way Alex58? If you were a real paralegal, youd know that the type of behavior you have been engaging has been criminalized in your state of Massachusetts.

    Youd also know that pretending to be a paralegal for the purpose of attempting to gain information is a violation of both Massachusetts state law, as well as US federal law!

    Please don't try pretending Linda Mendes that you havent been posing as Alex Rogers, claiming that your a paralegal, and posting using the same IP address as Jianna Merrow, Michelle DiJardin, Jeremy Laughlin, Terry Jackson, Galron99, and others!

    In addition Alex58, the forums you've been stalking and cyberbullying have advised me that youve also been using the following additional IPs (proxies) to post on their sites:

    As well as a number of other PROXIES! No real paralegal who intended on filing a lawsuit would ever do such a thing! What a liar you are!

    Then theres your other sock puppet Galron99, who claims to be a BLACKHAT HACKER who also posted from the same Comcast IP address, and threatened to get your other BLACKHAT hacker friends after me, here:

    "Yo Moondog and company! Listen okay!!! I'm really here to help you guys so give me a chance. I'm an ex-black hat whose turned white but I still have a load of bros who are black."

    You think you got all that removed Linda? It's still in the archives! Thats aside from the fact that I saved, screenshotted and printed every single page!

    Yes Linda, you confirmed that you are Jianna Merrowmere, right on your Moondog Howls blog here:

    "From Jianna's Keyboard
    I am here today to address two issues. The first is a threat which was made on two blogs to contact my daughter's school. I will not succumb to the threats of bullies. I am not engaging in any wrongdoing. If you choose to contact her school go ahead. I will find you and sue either you or your parents. That is certain. In threatening my daughter you prove exactly why Surfers United is doing what is right. We will continue to regardless of your actions."

    I stated that I was reporting Linda Mendes! You confirmed that I'm telling the truth by stating that I threated, and I quote, "MY daughters school!" and later you again stated, "in threatening MY daughter..."

    If you werent Linda Mendes and Holly wasnt your daughter, you wouldn't have said MY daughter, twice! For the record, I didnt threaten your daughter, I stated that I was reporting YOU!

    I have done so and directed them here, to your Moondog Howls sites and the many other sites youve been cyberbullying, by stalking, threatening, harrassing, and defaming.

    So you know, your state criminal code also contains provisions for anonymous reporting of criminal cyberbullying, and I urge every one of your victims who reads this to utilize these provisions to report you as well!

    If you were a real paralegal Alex58/Linda Mendes, or knew anything about the law in your state or anything about the law at all, youd know that too!

  7. You Kyleseamus 1/Kyle LLC are a nutcase who made a serious threat and it has been turned in to the authorities. You're a liar and a stalker who posts illegal pics of special needs children photoshopped in heinous ways. You're disgusting. Go right ahead and keep it up. You won't be sued you'll go to prison.

    No threat against you was listed in any way by Galron99 either. you're a pathological liar.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. More of your idiotic empty threats Linda? You've been making your lying threats for over a year now, havent you?

    Ya gonna report me ya lying freak? Sure!

    Lets see, on google blogger back in January, you (posing as moondog wilson) claimed you had already engaged not only 1 attorney but 3! Isn't that right sicko?

    Here's the thread:

    and here's what you said:

    "Just as an addition the original person who this concerned Jianna has hired an attorney and a lawsuit is already in development against Martin Walker, and the members of For defamation. Three attorneys to be exact. One in the US, one in the UK and one in AU."

    That was back in JANUARY! So, ummm, where's the lawsuit? Don't try pretending you filed one! You don't have a lawyer and you couldn't file a lawsuit against anyone even if you had the money! ROFLMAO!

    You really are an idiot imagine I didn't already report you. Why wouldn't I? Especially since your governor has guaranteed that reports can be made anonymously and the identity of the individuals reporting offenders will remain anonymous!

    What I did was give you the opportunity to either remove your blog, or demonstate your defiance of the criminal code of your state by your refusal.

    School officials and other authorities are required by law to investigate all allegations of cyberbullying in your state and I'm sure they'll be contacting you very soon!

  10. as far as the threats that YOU posing as Galron99 made against me on that youtube complaint thread? Aside from threatening to sic your blackhat buddies on me, you also threatened that you were going to dox me and send my PI to the MILLIONS of email addresses you had collected from your blackhat days!

    OF COURSE I COPIED EVERY SINGLE PAGE! Here, let me post your threats as Galron99 for you:

    "Yo Moondog and company! Listen okay!!! I'm really here to help you guys so give me a chance. I'm an ex-black hat whose turned white but I still have a load of bros who are black."

    "Pleez let me I'm good at what I do. Kyle may already have been posted but I want to redo his dox and add loads more info to it. Then I have email lists from my spamming days. One has over a million e mail addies on it. I'll mass email his PI to millions of people and ROFL as I do. "

  11. I do want to make sure that anyone who reads this thread knows who to report under the Massachusetts anti-bullying criminal code

    Moondog Wilson aka Tanithbear aka jianna merrowmere aka Alex Rogers and others, your real name and probable address (although I'm sure if youve moved the authorities wont have any problem finding your new address)

    Linda Jean Mendes
    757 Williams Street
    North Dighton, Ma 02764

  12. Oh but of course you can post whatever you want right? I have never seen a more arrogant liar in my life. Gave us the opportunity to remove the blog. Who in the hell do you think you are? You're a nobody whose postings have been removed from both Blogger and YouTube help forums. Your pictures removed from tinypic and Imageshack for violations as well. You have done nothing but issue threats for months. Then file. You keep saying you have but we've seen nothing. Because you are a liar. You falsely accused someone of phishing, pedophilia and just about every crime imaginable. You have a load of nerve as to who has done what. You are nothing but a thug who imagines themselves smart but we will see who laughs last. I guarantee it won't be you.

  13. Yeah right. Your a 50 year old loser who rents a crappy run down trailer! Only thrill in your life is cyberbullying children!

    Betcha I could get your picture to by just looking up "trailer trash" in the dictionary!

    Here ya go!

    Got many dozens!

    Yes we will see.

  14. Love how ya just brushed off the fact that you threatened to ILLEGALLY SPAM OVER A MILLION EMAILS LINDA!

    Tell me about your ILLEGAL BLACKHAT HACKING activities that you bragged about as Galron99. Whatd ya do? Commit financial fraud? Identity theft? How many MILLIONS of people did you defraud?

    Your the one who bragged about it, right? Obviously your proud of your other illegal activities as much as you are of your criminal cyberstalking, so please! Lets hear all about it.

    Or are you gonna get another sock puppet to answer for you now?

  15. Do you have a naselly voice too? OHHH MAAAA!!! The bwad people are pwicking on mwe!!!!

  16. You don't get it do you? No one is going to answer to your demands. The only loser here is you. YouTube threads deleted. Blogger discussions closed. Banned from tinypic and image removed from imageshack.

    No one wants to listen to or see the garbage you post. Your mind is inhabited by slimy ooze and you're just a crapball. Delegated to posting on an abandoned blog. What a joke YOU ARE!

  17. So sad. You have so much to say that NO ONE wants to hear.

  18. Bye the way I didnt post those pics or do the photoshopping either. Im just posting the links. Im not into GFX!

  19. No one is answering to Linda. You delude yourself again. We're responding to your statements. On many occasions posters have clearly posted I'm not Linda. Once again you lie. You accuse other people of being liars but you wouldn't know the truth if it danced naked in front of you.

  20. Resorting to mimicing my words now Linda? Classic MO of the narcissistic psychopath!

    You know full well that you are the one who is violating the criminal code of the state you live in which makes YOU the criminal, not me!

    Ask any criminal in prison! They'll ALL tell you they're innocent and blame all their actions on their victims!

    lets talk about your victims by looking at what you did to the members of swapitshop here:

    And here's how you announced your presence on THEIR BOARD!

    "Your site has been infiltrated by a member of a group called Surfers United. The information of your members has been taken and using it names, addresses, telephone numbers etc will be discovered and posted online.

    Surfers United is in a dispute with the owner of Martin Walker and one of the sites he hosts It is concerning that dispute that the members of Surfers United are posting the personal information of as many members of as we can discover."


    Your criminal actions against them were completely unprovoked! They did NOTHING to you. NOTHING!

    And your trying to accuse ME of being guilty of YOUR crimes?

    Whos delusional?

  21. Oh and suddenly you're the people's champion? The moron who makes fun of kids with special needs and posts links to heinously photoshopped pics of them? Give it a rest. The veneer is worn off. You're a creep and nothing more.

    Oh and why not just write an epic? Your self love is so far over the top I am ROFL.

  22. Not SUDDENLY! I just started working on figuring out who you were a week ago, and as soon as I did, got you to confirm that I was right! You did it too!

    Tried to get you to listen to reason and gave you the opportunity to remove your blogs, but you decided instead to push it to the limit by threatening and trying to intimidate me?

    Intimidation wont work on me! Im not breaking any laws and my parents know everything I do and all about you!

    You have lied, threatened, and tried every piss poor trick you can make up to try to figure out who I am to use against me havent you? You slimmy fuck!

    Your actions are criminal and I dont have to get a lawyer! Neither do any of your other victims! Your actions have been made criminal in your state of Massachusetts!

    I reported you to the authorities and am working on letting all your victims know as well!

    Reporting you has no downside for me! NONE!

    Keep going!

  23. You're a liar. You've been doing this a lot longer than a week and I have the proof. This has been going on for some time. Oh no I won't post it so you can try and delete it sorry. As fast as you report us we report you and when SU is approached by the authorities we will make a fool of you with your own lies you count on it.

    You're a sleazebucket and a jerk. We'll see who ends up in trouble with the law oh yes we will see.

  24. Im not a liar and Im busy right now sending our youtube conversation from last night to the cops and other authorities in your state

    Back soon!

  25. I'm sending every last one of your lies and threats to the cops!

    You sound more and more like a pedo with every post you write!

    You dont think so? I think the cops will!

    Lets find out whos really telling the truth!

  26. You're the one who sounds like the psycho stalker! What's wrong? Very noticeable to us that two things get you all upset. The camera and your being in the US. Why? Because both are true. Like the supposed 'letter' above and all the rest of your false accusations I can tell you this. Every member of SU will have you arrested if you file false charges against us. Everyone of us will have you arrested. You count on it.

  27. Oh and the blogs are not going to be removed.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Kyle Dickerson you have been turned over to both a federal and a state law enforcement agency. Oh yes for real. Formal complaints and all.

  30. Hope the real Kyle Dickerson files charges against you Linda Mendes. Wont be hard for the feds to find you at 757 Williams Street, North Dighton MA!

  31. You are the real Kyle Dickerson. I'll be waiting for the charges. The name's Tan by the way.

    Kyle Dickerson thug, illegal creature smuggler, Google coder, photographer and pathological psycho lunatic.
